• +977-01-5269089, 9768773802
  • info@fanepal.org.np

Strategies and Approaches

  • Establish formal linkage between line agencies for policy advocacy, information and networking.
  • Offer training for enterprise development, production, post harvest techniques and marketing skills.
  • Enter into twining arrangement with research industries for responsive high quality diagnostic and technical services.
  • Seeks technical and financial support for achieving the objectives of FAN.
  • Encourage production of technical human resources.
  • Develop commodity groups towards cooperation, competitive alliance for the development of the wholesale market.
  • Promote joint ventures and business partnerships.
  • Collaboration with Government organizations, NGOs, INGOs & Other organization for technology development & dissemination, infrastructure development, mother plant production etc.
  • Identify and explore the floriculture potential area throughout the country.
  • Rural development and poverty alleviation